In our world, which claims to follow science, it is time that we begin to look at the science of food and how it can either help us or hinder us. Personal training is about the exercise, but it goes so much farther past that than one realizes. Through my own personal experiences, I have seen the power of food and what it can do in my own life and that is what I want to share with everyone.
There is so much misinformation out there regarding food, diets, exercise (ect.), that it can be so disempowering to someone who is trying to improve their health. That is where I come in. My training and programs goes to the source of most issues in the American people: weight gain, lack of energy, bloating, brain fog and more. All of these issues are usually derived from the foods we eat and from the foods that are lacking in our diet. So, instead of putting a bandaid on your symptoms and training you like everyone else, I get to the root of the cause and I show you how you can best manage it.
The American diet is tricky, scary and sometimes just plain confusing. But it doesn’t have to be. With my help, I can show you a better way to enjoy foods where it is healthy but also still delicious. We will talk about the FAD diets that don’t work, specific foods that could be harming you, gut health, foods you should be eating every day and how to incorporate certain foods into your diet. I also give you the scientific reasons behind what I say so that you also gain the knowledge you will need to sustain you through my programs.
Whole. Fresh. Delicious.
Just because you are in a training program doesn’t mean your food can’t be awesome too! With my provided recipes, nutritious foods never tasted so good.